HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 4:30PM - 9PM / Friday and Saturday 4PM - 10PM / Sunday 4-9PM
After eating at Ruth's Chris in Downtown Honolulu eight times in a two week period, I decided to change it up and eat at the Waikiki location. We actually had friends from the mainland staying near the restaurant so we chose to eat in Waikiki. I normally love the Waikiki location but on this visit the service sucked. Worst service of any Ruth's Chris I have been to ever. It was so bad that I wanted to complain but didn't. Our waiter was out of it and should not have been working there. The food was good however with me going with my standard Ruth's Chris menu. Petite Filet, Broccoli and a Wedge Salad. Add a little vino and I am a happy eater. Felt bad for our guests as the service did not live up to Ruth's Chris standards. Great to see Waikiki pumping with tourists again. The sidewalks and shops were packed and restaurants had lines that were longer than pre-covid days.
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